Friday, November 29, 2013

Baby girl Collier- 18 weeks

 How far along: 18 weeks

Food comparison: Sweet potato (5.6 inches long)

Weight gain: 7 pounds

Sleep: sleeping great with the body pillow,  Very worn out and tired still.

Best moment of the week: Thanksgiving celebrations with family, feeling her move several times a day.

Movement: I can feel her tapping a lot more.  I can't wait until Caleb can feel her kick!

Food cravings/aversions:  Hungry, but get full really fast.

What I miss: nothing

Workouts: I did 30 minutes of P90x yoga and was sore for 2 days. Sheesh. It's been too cold to walk Manning this week.  Maybe this weekend we can bundle up and go!

Stretch marks: none

Maternity clothes: yes.

Belly button: in but really hard

Gender:  Sweet baby girl.  I've been given so many nice things this week already: cute clothes, blankets, baby dolls from family, friends and patients! This girl is loved already!

Symptoms: Face and neck still breaking out, round ligament stretching/pain, tired, heartburn

Rings: on

Mood: ecstatic!

Labor signs: no

Upcoming appts/events: Getting nursery furniture soon.  Re-finishing my bookcase and toy chest from when I was a baby.  I can't wait to organize all the clothes we've gotten so far.  20 week anatomy scan and another gender confirmation Dec 10th!

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