Friday, November 22, 2013

Chandler's a GIRL! (Baby Collier- 17 weeks)

Anyone who knows me knows I love Friends.  The past month the general public (friends, relatives, patients, strangers) have convinced me I was having a boy.  The only reason I thought it could be a girl was the fact I was breaking out like a high school senior on prom night.  So today, when we had our gender scan the first thing I see is the butt and NOTHING between the legs.  So like on the show when the last triplet to be named Chandler turned out to be a girl therefore going through my head today was "CHANDLER'S a GIRL!"  You can watch the clip here if you are confused: Friends clip Most everything in life can be applied to Friends. My sister in law Sarah can vouch for that.  And NO, the name is not going to be Chandler.  Caleb would think that's way to feminine (for the boy I thought we were having) and trendy.  Hence, we may not have a name for years.  Ah, teachers.  This name will for sure be: unique, meaningful, southern and NOT trendy.  Count on that.

 How far along: 17 weeks

Food comparison: Onion (5.1 inches long)

Weight gain: 7 pounds

Sleep: sleeping great with the body pillow.  Actually slept all night without an early morning bathroom break one night!

Best moment of the week: seeing baby again on ultrasound (had been 9 weeks) and how much SHE has grown! God's work is truly amazing.  She was quite upset we disturbed her nap and kept putting her hands in front of her face, had her feet crossed and playing with the cord.  Cutest thing ever.  I made the ultrasound lady convince me scientifically several times in several views that it was a girl and not a boy. I really expected to see a penis today. Ha-ha.

Movement: oh yeah.  It's so cool.  and weird. 

Food cravings/aversions:  Somewhat normal again.  Definitely hungry.

What I miss: nothing

Workouts: Zumba and walking my Manning

Stretch marks: none

Maternity clothes: pants and shirts. I have mostly outgrown my shirts but I'm swimming in maternity clothes.  I look like a hobo. 

Belly button: in but really hard


our announcement
first pink item

Symptoms: Face and neck still breaking out, round ligament stretching/pain, sore abs, sore aching feet.

Rings: on

Mood: ecstatic!

Labor signs: no

Upcoming appts/events: Thanksgiving.  20 week anatomy scan and another gender confirmation Dec 10th!

1 comment:

  1. Those little anatomy shots are WILD!! So excited for you all and can't wait 'til we get to call her a name!! Have you thought about Olivia? :)
