Saturday, November 16, 2013

Baby Collier 16 weeks!

How far along: 16 weeks

Fruit comparison: Avocado (yum!!) (4.6 inches long)

Weight gain: 5 pounds

Sleep: tossing and turning more.  Getting up at least once to go to the bathroom at 2:30 am precisely, but I did that pre-pregnancy sometimes it's just more consistent now.  On my way to Target right now to invest in a body pillow.

Best moment of the week: hearing baby's heart beat again today (149 bpm), crib shopping last week with my sweet mom.  The crib set should be ready next weekend.  I also discovered that my old book shelf and toy chest were in my closet back home, so I cannot wait to paint them and spruce them up for baby C!

Movement: flutters for sure

Food cravings/aversions:  No major cravings lately and I'm slowly getting back to eating my normal food again.  I was able to eat Mexican food again including grilled chicken fajitas.  Progress!  I'm ALWAYS hungry.

What I miss: wearing all my regular pants

Workouts: Zumba and walking my Manning

Stretch marks: none

Maternity clothes: pants and shirts. Leggings and dresses on the weekends. There is no hiding the bump at all. My patients are starting to notice and I can tell when I am stretching shoulders how much further it sticks out now!

Belly button: in but really hard

Gender:  We find out FRIDAY!! I simply cannot wait!  The planning and registering can really begin then.  I have started a registry at Target and Babies R Us, but nothing gender specific yet. 

Symptoms: Face and neck still breaking out, round ligament stretching/pain, more energy than in 1st trimester but I can't go like I used to.  I am still falling asleep by 9pm on the couch.

Rings: on

Mood: just completely blessed.

Labor signs: no

Upcoming appts/events: gender scan on the 22, then Thanksgiving at Caleb's Mamaw's with all the Ohio peeps and some mighty good food and fun/games! I will be doing a gender post next week and may start doing weekly updates if I can find the time!

So go ahead and make your guess about the gender.  According to the Chinese calendar, it's a boy.  Others have told me I'm carrying low and all up front which also means boy.  The heart rate decreased to 149 this time.  Rachell Farmer's fool proof necklace wrist test also indicated boy.  So my guess is a sweet little boy!

Hopefully baby will cooperate during the gender scan and we will know by Friday afternoon! I'm so excited to find out and get a name for this baby!

1 comment:

  1. I'm always afraid that chalkboard will fall off and hit your tummy! haha probably just looks that way from the pic. I'll work the pencil test as well (just like Nanny would do) and let you know my prediction!
