Monday, July 14, 2014

The learning curve of being a mom

10 weeks is a good amount of time.  I've enjoyed every minute (mostly) & learned a ton.  I'm very sad over only having 2 weeks left at home with her but I know it's all God's will and timing and He will provide our way and make it all work for us.  Luckily, I work close to home so I'm thankful for that!  I have complied a list of the things I've learned thus far and just updating from my last blog where I must have looked like a doomed mother.  Wylie has been super healthy ever since getting over her infection and things have gotten so much easier.  It's not always easy, but it's much better! God truly was giving me the strength and skills He knew I would need to care for this little firecracker.  He gave me the strength to let the little things go and not worry over every little thing like some moms can tend to do.  My heart and emotions have gained strength and I'm a tougher, better mother for it.

1.  Play mats are the best.  I know the music from it by heart.
2.  Wylie hates her swing.  She would rather be active/moving. Glad I just borrowed one to see instead of buying!
3.  Swaddle blankets are da bomb.  The instant calm and smile when she knows she is about to be swaddled is like magic!
4.  The book "Moo, baa, la la la."  I can quote it word for word. I need Rain Drop Plop and the Llama series too! I had those memorized from babysitting days in grad school.
5.  White noise is essential. We like rain.
6.  Lavender essential oil is essential.
7.  So is DiGize.
8.  So is an amazing, helpful, loving husband. I feel so sorry for single mothers.  Caleb has been my rock.
9.  So is an amazing mom to help you and encourage you and that knows exactly how you like everything done from the dogs, the laundry, the cleaning, the feeding, the diaper changing.  I'm so lucky she is willing to come help us so much.  And a thrifty mother in law that can find amazing deals on toys, clothes, etc makes life easier too.  Wylie is abundantly blessed and well dressed!
10.  Sleep is overrated. But we are finally getting about 8 hours straight a night!
11.  I will never get it all done.  Yes, I learned that.  I will need a constant reminder daily.
12.  I will never have time to blog again once I return to work.  Or cook probably.  Or shop.  Or clean.
13.  I will have a happy baby to love on and that's what is most important.
14.  I can never take enough pictures of her. Sorry to my FB and instagram followers. 
15.  I need a 32 gig iPhone storage capacity.
16.  Never ever get dressed until the last minute before leaving, or be draped completely in a towel and burp cloth if you are.
17.  Naps are important.  For the baby too.
18.  Baby milestones are so fun to feed my desire to accomplish and achieve things! So proud of my girl!
19.  Baby smiles are pretty much the greatest thing ever.
20.  When babies poop, it's pretty hilarious to watch.
21.  When Caleb cover his nose with his shirt while changing a poopy diaper is also hilarious to watch.
22.  Baby cries all sound different.  There are "push out cries" (not really anything is wrong), "horror movie cries" (hurting or super mad), "cat in a garbage disposal cries" (just complaining), and the obvious "wet, feed me, I'm tired" cries. Caleb and I enjoy naming them.
23.  Eat. Poop. Wake. Sleep.  It's pretty basic.
24.  Strollers are hard to push up big hills.
25.  Baby cuddles are the sweetest.
26.  Keep burp cloths in every room.  On every table.
27.  Basements make great diaper hoarding facilities.
28.  Sophie is NOT a $23 dog toy.  Do NOT squeak around the dogs.
29.  Dolly likes to eat pacifiers. So keep them out of her reach.
30.  I never knew I would take such pride and joy in loud burps.
31.  Baby feet are like my new obsession.
32.  Baby talk is adorable.
33.  Clipping fingernails is terrifying.  
34.  Their hair just won't lay down.  Just stick a head band or bow in it and get on with your day.
35.  The Otteroo is by far my most recommended baby accessory.
36.  The vacuum cleaner is perfect white noise.
37.  The Ergo baby carrier is a life saver.  Those other carrier/wrap systems confuse the heck outta me no matter how many You Tube videos I watch.
38.  They don't need special detergent. 
39.  Car rides, stroller rides and buggy rides are instant sleep aides.
40.  Babies smell amazing.
41.  I will never use all the baby shampoo, soap and lotion I have.
42.  When they wake up and stretch, I melt into a puddle.  It's the most adorable thing ever when she opens her eyes and smiles at me. 
43.  Life will never be the same and that's perfectly fine.
44.  Date nights at home with my family are little pieces of heaven.
45.  Every kid needs a dog.  Especially a crazy German Shepherd and silly bloodhound.
46.  There is no other love like this.
47.  It was all worth it.

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