Friday, May 2, 2014

Wylie Jewell Collier- 40 weeks

Caleb added the size comparison this week

How far along: 40 weeks (Due Date today, May 2nd)

Food comparison:  Jackfruit/Watermelon (18.9 to 20.9 inches long, 6.2-9.2lbs)

Weight gain: 23 pounds

Sleep: Had been sleeping great.  Last night I began to have AWFUL cramping like back pain that kept me up almost every hour.  My doctor says that is her trying to get lower and get out.  I sure hope so.

Best moment of the week(s): Making it to her due date and having my last official day of work for 12 weeks.  Although, I really wish she were already here.  I didn't want to spend any of my leave without her :(

 Movement: she is moving a lot but very cramped in there. Sometimes she is very still, others very active.

Food cravings/aversions:  nothing special really.  Sushi maybe :)

What I miss: sleeping on my stomach, my full wardrobe, dance class with my girls, being able to clean/do as much as I want like I used to, walking my normal pace,  my usual Energizer bunny energy levels, bending over normally, tying my shoes quickly

Workouts: I worked all the way up through my due date.  I spent a lot of time this week riding the stationary bike and bouncing/stretching on a yoga ball.  I also went to Zumba last Saturday which I'm sure was a sight to see.  I felt like the Tin Man.

Stretch marks: none!! I am slathering on cocoa butter lotion daily hoping to prevent them. I also made a creme from my YL essential oils with lavender, frankincense and coconut oil that feels amazing. Dolly loves to sniff and lick my stomach after because she loves the smell!

Maternity clothes: just whatever fits.  my selection is slim now that the seasons have changed.

Belly button: an official "outie"

Gender: my sweet (STUBBORN) Wylie girl

Symptoms: intensifying cramping, pressure/tightening, anxiousness, low back pain, peeing a lot more often.

Rings: on-- no swelling anywhere!! (Thank you Zija and Sockwell compression socks)

Mood: happy, anxious, excited, nervous, uncomfortable, IMPATIENT

 Labor signs:  thinning, dropped cervix, "Fingertip" dilated, lost plug, head down low, cramping low back pain

Upcoming appts/events: Hopefully the arrival of Miss Wylie Jewell! Come on baby girl! We all want to see your gorgeous face and love on you!  If she doesn't come on her own, I will be induced on Tuesday night, May 6th at 10pm.  I hope she comes before then.  Please say a prayer that she does.  I want to go into labor on my own. 

1 comment:

  1. April, I went into labor on my own with James and was induced with Kody. If I had to go back and do them both again, I'd probably choose an induction both times simply because it was so much smoother. The nurses were on cue. The meds were ready and easily accessed. The doctor was not rushed or anxious. We were all calm, and it was smooth with Kody. I know going into labor naturally is usually the desired method, but don't worry if you get induced. There are perks to it :) I'm praying every day that she makes her appearance soon!
