Friday, December 27, 2013

Wylie Jewell Collier- 22 weeks

How far along: 22 weeks

Food comparison: Papaya (10.5 to 12.7 inches long, 12.7 to 20.8 ounces)

Weight gain: 9 pounds

Sleep: it's not bad but not normal either. That body pillow is a must for sure!

Best moment of the week: celebrating my birthday and Christmas with all of our families!

 Movement: I feel her a lot.  So reassuring.  Caleb has even felt her kick now!

Food cravings/aversions:  Baked potatoes and ice cream/yogurt

What I miss: my back not hurting at the end of the day & being able to comfortably flex forward and tie my shoes

Workouts: ha, sometimes just being on my feet all day at work and working at home is workout enough for a pregnant gal.  Between the holiday hustle, cleaning, decorating, un-decorating, work being so busy, laundry, etc I'm literally pooped at the end of the day! I will do better on Jan 2nd! :)

Stretch marks: none- I am slathering on cocoa butter lotion daily hoping to prevent them.

Maternity clothes: yes. I 'm not sure if I will ever remember to button and zip pants again when I can wear normal clothes again!

Belly button: in but it's close to not being in much longer.

Gender: my sweet Wylie girl

Symptoms: Feet and back ache daily after the work day and it's frustrating because I can't stretch into flexion because she is in my way; heartburn, stuffy nose, increased heart rate and shortness of breath with one flight of stairs, heartbeat in my left ear (ANNOYING)

Rings: on

Mood: just depends on the day.  Some days I'm really tired but need to get so much done but I can't be the energizer bunny like I used to, so I wind up getting frustrated.  Poor Caleb has been trying to help me as much as he can.  I don't know what I would do without my Johnny Homemaker!

Labor signs: no

Upcoming appts/events: New Year's, Caleb's birthday (Jan 1st-- football all day) and Jan 10th is my glucose test (yuck)
Her new monogram from her grandmothers & the crib from my mom! Blankets from my Aunt Kim and SIL Sarah

Just a small part of her Christmas presents she got!

21 week view

Love my wonderful parents

Cheesecake Factory for my birthday

My birthday presents from Caleb! Love my diaper bag & our matching infinity scarves

We loved you before we knew you, even when there was just hope for you, we loved you.

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