Friday, December 13, 2013

Wylie Jewell Collier- 20 weeks

Um when did I get huge?

How far along: 20 weeks

Food comparison: Mango (6.5 inches long, 13 ounces)

Weight gain: 6 pounds

Sleep: sleeping great with the body pillow until Caleb steals it when I get up to go to the bathroom around 3am

Best moment of the week: seeing her on the anatomy ultrasound and hearing confirmation that everything is going perfectly well! Heart beat was 161! God is so so good!!

Movement: I can feel her tapping a lot more.  I can't wait until Caleb can feel her kick!

Food cravings/aversions:  Hungry, but get full really fast. Loving cream sodas and red velvet Christmas tree cakes.  And i want seafood and lots of it.  Too bad I can't indulge like I want to!

What I miss: seafood apparently

Workouts: zumba, pilates, cleaning the house, putting baby furniture together

Stretch marks: none

Maternity clothes: yes.

Belly button: in but really hard

Gender: Confirmation again that she is a SHE for sure!

Symptoms: Face clearing up,  round ligament stretching/pain, tired, heartburn

Rings: on

Mood: ecstatic!

Labor signs: no

Upcoming appts/events: Christmas parties, my birthday next week (Cheesecake Factory, yum!), Christmas celebrations.

Everyone knows I am the furthest thing from a procrastinator so I am very pleased of how much I have gotten done at the halfway point even with the holidays! Furniture is almost ready, shopping for a glider this weekend, registries are done (BRU, Target and PBK), and closet organization has begun!

Below are some pictures of some of the furniture and building processes as well as some ultrasound pics and things I've been given or purchased so far!

Manning supervising

My furniture we refinished. It's 28+ years old

Dolly got some supervising time in too

Sucking her little thumb

messy closet
before and after paint job on my old baby furniture

Manning supervising with his eyes closed
4 weeks left, 20 weeks right

I LOVE POLAR BEARS! I could NOT resist this!

My sweet friend Megan Swanger sent me this adorable box she covered as well as Wylie's first headbands!

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