Friday, October 18, 2013

Baby Collier- 12 weeks!

How far along: 12 weeks

Fruit comparison: Plum (2.1 inches long)

Weight gain: 5 pounds

Sleep: other than waking up at 4:30 am to go to the bathroom, its great!

Best moment of the week: hearing the heartbeat!  159 bpm.  My mom and Caleb got to go with me and of course I recorded it. 

Movement: maybe a flutter or two?

Food cravings/aversions: Arby's roast beef sandwiches (I haven't eaten red meat in 2.5 years.  This craving was out of no where.)  Still not liking the smell of any meat cooking.  Strawberry fruitare popsicles!

What I miss: my normal clothes

Workouts: Back into Zumba, walking Manning, hiking 3 miles at Cloudland Canyon (talk about some sore calves after all those stairs!)

Stretch marks: none

Maternity clothes: belly band, got my first pair of maternity skinny jeans (super thankful these exist) 

Belly button: in

Gender: Chinese, Mayan's, necklace test say boy.  Face breaking out, sweet cravings and wedding band wrist test say girl!

Symptoms: just tired mostly now; occasional nausea at night still and indecisive on what sounds good to eat

Rings: on

Mood: excited

Labor signs: no

Upcoming appts/events: Mom's birthday, Christmas and crib shopping. Next apt at 16 weeks.  Anatomy scan won't be until mid December to determine sex.  Testing my patience :)

I apparently will have to stop listening to country music at work.  This song by King George came on the other day and I almost lost it in front of all my patients. Yes, I've heard it many times before, but never was I pregnant when I heard it.  I see God every time I look down at this baby bump!

 "I Saw God Today"

[VERSE 1:]
Just walked down the street to the coffee shop,
Had to take a break,
I've been by her side for eighteen hours straight,
saw a flower growing in the middle of the sidewalk,
pushing up through the concrete,
Like it was planted right there for me to see,

The flashing lights,
The honking horns,
All seem to fade away,
but in the shadow of the hospital,
at 508,
I saw God today,

I've been to church,
I've read the book,
I know He's there,
But I don't look,
near as often as I should,

His fingerprints are everywhere,
I just look down and stop and stare,
open my eyes and then I swear,
I Saw God Today,

[VERSE 2:]
Saw a couple walking by,
they were holding hands,
and she had that glow,
Ya, I couldn't help,
but I noticed that she was starting to show,
stood there for a minute,
taking in the sky,
lost in that sunset,
a splashing down from mounting in shades of red,

I've been to church,
I've read the book,
I know He's there,
but I don't look,
near as often as I should,

His fingerprints are everywhere,
I just look down and stop and stare,
open my eye and then I swear,
I Saw God Today,

[VERSE 3:]
Got my face pushed up against the nursery glass,
she's sleeping like a rock,
my name on her wrist,
wearing tiny pink socks,
she's got my nose,
she's got her Mama's eyes,
my bran new baby girl,
she's a miracle,
I Saw God Today

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