Monday, October 7, 2013

Baby Collier 10 weeks

 I want to remember everything about my first pregnancy so while I know reading my updates are not for everyone, this is mostly for my future reference and to show our little John Wayne (Caleb's nickname for baby) one day. Don't read if you don't wanna know!

How far along: 10 weeks, 3 or 6 days depending on which date you use (measured April 29, lmp says may 2)

Fruit comparison: Prune 1.2 inches

Weight gain:3-4 pounds

Sleep: I love going to bed at 9:30! Sleep amazing! Prone is getting uncomfortable due to sore breasts

Best moment of the week: seeing my belly pooching out!

Movement: unless you count gas, nada

Food cravings/aversions: crab legs were amazing. Oreo blizzards. Mexican food was not appealing at all Sunday (what is wrong with me?)

What I miss: eating normal stuff (veggies, not all carbs)

Workouts: I've been doing well making it to Zumba until the past week.  With such an early bed time from being so exhausted, I haven't done the night classes lately.  This nice weather has been perfect for walks with Manning and Frisbee in the backyard.  I hope to get some energy back soon and attend Zumba 3x/week and walking Manning daily 1-2 miles.

Stretch marks: none

Maternity clothes: I do enjoy my belly band as things are getting snug in my dress pants. My MIL has been finding lots of clothes for me at the Will.

Belly button: in

Gender: I think boy. Top priority is a healthy baby!

Symptoms: queasy at night, sore boobs, gas, heightened smells, cooking meat is still awful, indecisive over food, breaking out like a 8th grader at their first dance

Rings: on

Mood: excited

Labor signs: no thanks. Not time!

Upcoming appts/events: next Friday oct 18 is the 12 week appt! Caleb and my mom get to come. Fall break is that weekend too so looking forward to sleep, new hair, and shopping!

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5 NIV)

4 weeks, 8 weeks, 10 weeks, 10 weeks 2 days ish

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