Monday, July 30, 2012

It's football time, again!

Well, it's official.  I am now a football widow again.  2 a days have begun.  That means Caleb leaves early, is home during the day when I am at work and is already gone when I get home from work til bedtime.  Scrimmage this Friday, Jamboree next Friday then regular season starts.  Boyd has 7 home games this year.  The furthest we have to go is South Pittsburg.  The only off week we get is the weekend of my sweet SIL's wedding, so we will spend our night off at a rehearsal dinner.  That could not have worked out better though.  Sarah was such a huge help at my wedding, so I am ready to decorate, coordinate, organize and boss whomever around that I need to! Less than 2 months to go til she is Mrs. Sarah Hogan!

 Ok, back to football.  I do enjoy going to his games.  The latest high school football "Bible" is out which previews each team in TN.  There was a special section where coach's wives commented on what it's like during football season.  Well, I know Caleb is not a head coach right now, but it's still demanding of his time.  It's very demanding.  The only day that is not related to football is Saturdays, which gets overtaken by chores, family/friends time and then college football is a MUST.  So, no day is without football.  It's a good thing I LOVE football.  The thing I hate is him getting home late and eating dinner alone.  At least this year I will have Manning to keep me company.   I try to always tell myself the reason he is not home is perfectly acceptable.  Some women are faced with their husbands being out at bars, etc. I know exactly where he is.   When he is not home, he is mentoring and leading young boys in the greatest and most important/influential time of their lives.  He is such a good strong Christian example.  Caleb is very patient (way more than myself).  He is passionate, he cares for everyone.  He is not only showing them how to win games, play defense and score, he is teaching them how to be leaders, future husbands and strengthen their walks with God.  I see how much he loves the sport itself and how he enjoys coaching these kids.  This fire shows on Friday nights when I see him chest bumping one of his linemen, or shaking their helmet via face mask.  He loves what he does, and therefore I love it too.  The main goal of marriage in my opinion is to make the other one happy and their dreams/goals come true.  I will sit on bleachers for the rest of my life to make that happen.  In the hot sun, the rain, the snow, the wind, the nail biters, the bad calls, the cheers, the tears, the excitement.  All the way to the first weekend in December.  I will eat by myself, I will wake up early, wake up in the middle of the night when he gets in from games after reviewing films, rush through Sunday lunch so he can get to staff meetings, DVR high school side line wrap ups, listen to coach football talk conversations for hours, wash 3 outfits a day, change colors as needed, attend banquets, arrive early, stay late, layer up for cold weather, support Hot Hands business, and eat/live/breathe football forever.  It's fun watching him out there and getting to know the players and their families.  I love the Friday night lights atmosphere.  As a former cheerleader, I find myself dancing with the band, yelling out cheers, analyzing the cheerleaders' motions/stunts, and screaming at the players, refs and occasionally Caleb. I don't even have a child out there yet.  Can you imagine?  :)

I made this canvas for this coming season.  I am going to do a football themed mantle for the interim between summer-fall.

There is no "fall" season.  It's all football.  From the end of July to December.

 I made this for our front door.  It's one of our engagement pictures, with a little additional from Picasa.

I am excited about this upcoming season since it's our 2nd year at Boyd. I know a lot more people now so it's more fun.  My mom and Caleb's parents occasionally join me at games so I don't have to go alone to every game.  I have lots of bright royal blue clothes and accessories to don to support the mighty Bucs all the way to state!  If you need me on any Friday night between now and December, I will be at the Boyd Buchanan games with my blue on cheering on the team and my adorable Coach Collier.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A "Good Provider"

A good provider.  What is it?  The first idea  that may come to many of your minds may be of a monetary thought. This day in age (wow, I sound so old) that does not surprise me.  It's all around me. "So and so "got a new car, new house, new boat, new motorcycle, new Michael Kohr's watch, new man cave, new kitchen,.... the list goes on and on.  That's great.  Good luck fitting that in your suitcase to the afterlife. I hope I am not coming across hostile, but I had a break through today.  I have struggled lately wondering how people seem to keep just spending money.  Where is the money tree?!?! I have ventured to guess most of Americans are in tremendous debt, therefore they have a lot of really cool "stuff."  Yes, we have stuff, but I have slacked off a lot.  We are trying to save money to pay off our student loans and for projects around the house. I am more conscientious of my spending than I ever have been.  I do not buy anything that I can't pay off the very next month or without a 6-18 month no interest financing plan.  The thought of earning interest just makes me sick.  Regardless of what's in my wallet, I have enough.  God has taken good care of me my whole life and given me the things and people I really need.  I have plenty of providers in my life and more than I will ever need "provided."

First and foremost, the Lord in Heaven above is the ultimate provider to all. 

"And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

The Lord is the sole provider of everything I have.  Food, this world, water, life, salvation, health, emotions, my mind, etc.  Including the other providers I have in my life:

My husband.  I just love him dearly.  I am so thankful to the Lord for him and our marriage.

He provides me with:
Excellent choices in cereal :)
A Home (not a house)
Unconditional Love (that I sometimes am not worthy of)
Christian Leadership
and his heart

As his wife, I have far more than I could ever have on my own.  I have a constant body guard :) , a yard man, a pool boy, a comedian, a larger house, two vehicles (in case one doesn't start), a dog, a movie buff, eye candy and the list goes on and on.  I have always been a very independent person. I could easily make a life on my own, but I would have to do without all those things I just named.  I realized something today---hitting me like a ton of bricks (thank you Lord).  Everyone was out on their boats, at the beach, doing whatever and we were working our butts off at our "new to us" house with my parents.  I realized there is no place I would rather be than at our home that we have made together with our sweet boy Manning.  No beach, no watch, no purse, no city, no vacation could be better than the dream he has made come true for me this past year.  I am living the "Happily Ever After" I always wished and prayed for.  A home with my husband and German Shepherd. No amount of money could ever buy what we have.  Thank you Caleb for being a wonderful husband and provider for me.  Becoming your wife was the best thing that has ever happened to me.  You are the most handsome, smart, kind, sweet, funny, genuine, passionate, persistent, patient man I know and I do not need anything but you and the love you give me every second of every day.

"But if any man does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. " 1 Timothy 5:8

My parents.  I can't forget them.  Since I was born, I have had more than enough.  Clothes, food, toys, pools, pets, trips, etc.  Let's face it-- as an "only" child, I was very blessed.  As much as I always wanted a brother and sister, I was able to have things some children didn't, including the undivided attention and support of my parents.  Even though I am all grown up now, they still provide for me.  My mom is my best friend, an ear to listen, and my cheerleader.  At her house we are never without freshly made sweet tea, freshly washed sheets, and yummy Sunday morning breakfasts.  We still enjoy our random shopping trips and movies and I like to treat her every now and then.  I will never ever be able to pay her back for all the clothes I wanted in high school. My dad has always been my mechanic, Mr. Fix it, handy-man and a total hoot.  The things he is able to do for me has saved us so much money with our house instead of having to hire out work.  He had been my landlord for 7 years and gave me the best college housing situation I could have ever wanted.  He has never been a majorly sensitive or affectionate person, but he shows his love through doing things for me.  If that is the case- he loves me more than words or affection could ever come close to expressing. Thank you, Mom & Dad, for everything and who I am today.

 Now I am ready to visit you for the third time, and I will not be a burden to you, because what I want is not your possessions but you. After all, children should not have to save up for their parents, but parents for their children. 2 Corinthians 12:14

This is my soapbox for today.  I hope everyone can appreciate what a true provider really is without looking at your bank account, closet, or garage. 

Happy Independence Day! 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

1st Anniversary Trip

Our trip was so great!  We started our anniversary with breakfast at our favorite country cooking place- Cracker Barrel.  We then stopped in Calhoun to shop at the outlets.  Loft was good to me.  The real adventure was maneuvering around Atlanta traffic/roads.  Caleb is so calm when he drives.  Me, completely crazy.  He did great navigating me and then driving when it was his turn.  We enjoyed our dinner at Fogo de Chao.  Caleb was impressed and of course loved the meats.  They brought us a papaya cream dessert for free for our anniversary which was so nice of them!  Great service and hospitality! They did NOT want you to leave hungry! 

The next day we slept in, then went to the World of Coke Museum.  It was pretty interesting.  I got to hug the polar bear and we tried Coke products from around the world.  Our next stop was Ikea, which was exhausting.  I wish I could have just went to the last part first instead of walking through all the rooms.  But I got some new curtains and a rug that I really wanted for the living room!

Below are the pictures of our gifts we exchanged.  "Paper" in honor of the first anniversary and hand made! So special :)  I made the deck of cards with 52 reasons I love Caleb and he made a hand painted canvas.  He loves biscuits and gravy, fruit loops with marshmallows,  Ocean Water with vanilla from Sonic, and my special skillet fried chicken.  I apparently like to plan and steal the covers too. He has called me squirm from early on in our relationship because I changed positions so much on the couch, car etc because of my back issues.  It still fits today because I don't sit still much!
Also, our yummy 366 day (to be exact with leap year!) was enjoyed.  Just a small bite or two. 

Lastly, I found on Pinterest another great idea.  An anniversary journal.  A place to record what you did, etc for each anniversary and what was going on at the time.  Things that had happened the previous year and goals for the next year. This will be so cool to look at 25, 50 years down the road. I am so glad we did this.  It put so much in perspective and reminded us of what marriage is really about, not just everyday life. We have 14 goals for next year.  Some examples include things for our home like hardwood and tile downstairs, painting, paying off a couple things, staying healthy, dating each other again, spend more time studying the Bible together and to let the little things go more easily.  Caleb was actually very helpful with these goals. I just adore my husband.  This year was amazing and I know the next year ahead holds more happiness, fun and learning experiences combined with a whole lotta love.  :)