Saturday, June 16, 2012

Uno! We made it!

June 18th, 2011.  

That was like yesterday to me.  I thought that day would NEVER come and now it's been a whole year?!  A little less than 6 months of planning for the best day of my life (rain and all).  I dreamed of that day since I was a little girl.  Where it would be, what my dress would be like, my colors, who would be waiting on me at the end of the isle. I never knew the answers to ANY of those questions until I met the man would be standing at the end the isle waiting for me- Caleb.  We hadn't been dating more than 2 months when I just "knew."  We spoke of it and he mentioned he would love to get married on his parents farm and then the rest of my ideas just sparked from the clouds.  That day FAR surpassed any of my wildest dreams even on a small budget.  Who needed fancy dishes and sparkling champagne?   Not me.  I just needed 300 of our closest family and friends, a gorgeous view and sunset and my best friend.  It was perfect.  It's still perfect.  I can look at the pictures and still feel just as giddy as I did that day.  I can stare at my husband and remember all those nights when I missed him in Oneida and could not wait for the day we would say good night face to face forever.  Our song for our "exit" was Eddie Money's "Take me Home tonight." (We LOVE 80's music).  I am so glad he takes me to OUR home every night.

This year has been the best and most challenging of my life thus far.  Even more than those 3 years in PT school.  Not challenging because of Caleb, just a challenge to me as an individual.  I have never done well with change.  Living with my husband was definitely a change, as well as taking on major responsibilities to keep our collaboration of bills paid (I despise debt/interest), the laundry caught up, the house in order (I am slightly OCD), my job, spending time with Caleb,working out, football games, groceries, cooking dinner, house projects, decorating, our new puppy, our families, our friends, etc.  It was unreal how fast days flew by and I felt so behind.  I have always be on top of everything all the time and have had to teach myself yet again that I don't have to get it all done in one single day.  Or alone.  That's where I am so thankful for my sweet amazing husband.  He may not do it exactly the moment I would, but he is a big help around the house and maintaining/finding my sanity and bringing me back down to earth.

 The Lord knew what He was doing when he put us together.  We balance each other out.  We compliment each other.  He is my best friend and seriously the funniest person ever.  Even when I get mad, he can make me laugh and completely forget what I was mad about.  I love our "just us" moments that no one else can understand.  Every day, I love him more (if that's possible).  I think back to all those days when I was single/dating, just praying and asking the Lord to send me someone special when the time was right.  Little did I know he was under (above) my nose the entire time.  Caleb and I started dating and it was just "right."  There were no games, no questioning what we both wanted or where the other stood.  We had both experienced enough from dating to know what we wanted/needed in a relationship and it was just so easy.  God has His timing and reasoning. I believe that with all my heart. 

Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.  Song of Solomon 8:6

Now, to even see if I can remember and so I can remember on the down the road, I want to recap the "highlights" of our first year. 

After the wedding was of course our honeymoon in Cancun, Mexico.  It was perfectly amazing and I wish we could live there. We hope to go back for our 3rd or 4th anniversary (BC= before children) :-)

We came back to enjoy life as newlyweds and open our presents! I was very busy with EMR at work, so my stay-at-home summer hubby was really good at cooking, shopping and doing laundry which was so helpful.  Football started soon after and it was really fun.  It makes me feel like a cheerleader again.  Friday night lights are just a part of our relationship and I love it.  Wish they could have went to State.  Next year!

I made this for our front door out of one of our engagement pics.  Its very fitting.  We are in a football frenzy 7 days a week.  Practice Mon-Thurs, Games on Fridays, College all day Saturday and Caleb has staff meetings for film study every Sunday afternoon.  It's a good thing I love football. And him :)

Halloween was thrown in there.  Annual Collier "Kids" costume party.  His prison number was our wedding date :)

Then came my birthday and Christmas and Caleb's birthday.  We went to a cabin in Blue Ridge for my birthday weekend.  It was so relaxing!

The most exciting and grown up thing we did during our first year was get in major debt= buy our first home!
We quickly outgrew the Thrasher Pike house I lived in since my Sophomore year and thought, "Hey, rates are low, let's look for fun."  We soon found a home we loved with the ideal backyard and privacy we were seeking close enough to town.  I looked at it on a Wednesday, but Caleb was busy with football.  We were scheduled for a 2nd showing and potential offer if Caleb loved it on Saturday, but it went under contract on Friday night.  We were so sad! We continued to look around, but nothing measured up to the house we fell in love with.  Several weeks passed and I noticed it was "active" again among my searches.  The contract was shaky financially for the current off and back up offers were being accepted! We looked at the next day and put our bid in.  WE GOT IT!  We were so excited.  After a lot of hassle and invasive processes I could have never imagined, we closed on December 29th.  We began moving in and spent our first night in our new home on NYE.  We were so tired, we missed the new year, but was happy to wake up in "our home."

Many many projects followed and the list continues to grow.  The main goal- having a puppy came true in April and little Manning is just growing up so fast.  He loves his backyard and new kennel.  We so enjoy being parents to this adorable little German Shepherd.  Caleb is SO good with him and it is like a preview of what kind of dad he will be one day.  They love to chill on the couch and watch "Swamp People" together. We have learned, however, we need to wait several more years before having children.  Unless they can sleep in the kennel too :)

This spring also brought another baby into our lives.... our niece, Evelyn Rhea Webster.  She is the most gorgeous baby I have ever seen.  I am not biased, it's just a simple fact.  Thanks Hannah, for bringing her into our lives.  I love being her aunt and can't wait to spoil her like crazy.

For our first anniversary, I wanted to do something really special, even if our budget was not as large as I wished it could have been for it. After much debate and research, we decided to spend the day of our anniversary, evening, and next day in Atlanta. Caleb has been wanting to go eat at a Brazilian steakhouse ever since he returned from his mission trip in Brazil, so I figured why not.  It's kinda pricey, but it's a special occasion.  It has an amazing salad/cheese/veggie bar for me and all you can eat meats served from Gauchos for him. Best of both worlds! We will never have another 1st anniversary and it's just the mark of many happy years to come. We are going to Fogo de Chao in Buckhead, doing some outlet shopping, first IKEA trip, and maybe some touristy things.  Just whatever we get in the mood for I guess. Expect a blog about our trip!

The pictures below were taken by my sweet mother in law at the farm where we were married.  I want to take an anniversary picture every year with a picture from the year before so each year will be in every picture.  I also made a button canvas with a "1" for special # occasions.  (like 5,10, 15, etc).  I will get someone to take our picture on our actual anniversary at the restaurant I hope.  I am kinda excited about eating our 365 day old cake, since I only had one tiny bite the day of the wedding. I heard it was spectacular.

I thank God every day for all the blessings we have.I don't know what I did to deserve my life and someone so perfect for me in which to share it with.  We have our moments, but I am so lucky to have Caleb to walk beside me on this earth and get through it together.  The best is yet to come.

Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their work:
If one falls down,
his friend can help him up.
But pity the man who falls
and has no one to help him up!
Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?
Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.  Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Thanks for reading and loving us!


  1. I just love your love story! The pictures are great!!

  2. A wonderful, exciting and hopefully fulfilling first year for you and Caleb! Wishing you mountains and oceans of love, great times with family, friends and each other! Love you, Precious!
