Thursday, May 24, 2012

I'm an Aunt! Evelyn Rhea Webster

Being an only child, I was always bummed I would never be a "real" aunt to anyone.  Luckily, I married Caleb who was blessed to have siblings.  I am now blessed to have the most precious sister in laws ever, Hannah and Sarah.  Hannah has given me the best gift she ever could make (and she is pretty crafty like that)- my niece Evelyn.  She was born on May 12th weighing 6 lbs, 12 ounces, 21 inches long.  She had the full head of dark hair just as we hypothesized and she is drop dead gorgeous for an infant.  No, really.  Check her out.  Her mother is a knock-out, so Evelyn got great genes.  The competition is really on now for Caleb and I to make a prettier baby (one day.... don't get excited folks.)  I have yet to see her again since the day she was born into the world, but so looking forward to this weekend to see her again.  It's too bad we don't live closer :(
Here are some pics of this cute miracle I am proud to call my niece.

More Evelyn pics to come...