Thursday, May 24, 2012

Manning Grunt Collier

Well I have been busy!  Haven't had time to post about my cute little puppy because I have been caring for and enjoying this little guy!  I picked him up on April 14th and he weighed 4.5 pounds at 5.5 weeks old.  His birthday is March 7th.  He got his first bath that night and did great.

 I did not sleep a wink, but it was worth it.  He slept most of the 2 hour ride home in his pet taxi.  I just loved him to pieces already!  (Thanks Mom!!)

He got to meet Nana and Papa Roberts on his way back to Chattanooga as well as half brother Titan and Uncle Tracker (kinda sounds like Uncle Kracker)  It went over well, although he was slobbered on quite a bit.

The first night we got him home to his new pen, he decided to show us a trick.  He stuck his whole head through the chain link fence and squalled like crazy.  He was stuck and I was freaking out.  Caleb, being the ever so calm one that I am SO thankful for, got him out.  We made a 10pm trip to Wal-mart to buy a kennel to keep him in until we could come up with a solution.  Thankfully, my handy dad was able to come over the next day and put in chicken wire to prevent him from getting stuck again.

Our new little family:

We got adjusted quickly and Manning cried like crazy when he was left alone, but thankfully he grew out of that.  He learned to sit on command at 7 weeks old.  Smart like his mama.

He loves hanging out in his shaded, cool pen full of toys.  It was built with love by Caleb and my dad.  (Thanks guys!)

He loves to bite, chew, run, chase a plastic ball and dig.  Every morning when I bring him in, I sit in the floor and he literally "leaps" into my lap.  It's the best.  He knows I am his "person" and that is all I have ever wanted.  He is such a joy to us.  Caleb loves to lay in the floor with him and let Manning "pick through" his hair and bite at his ears.  Can't say I blame him :)

Here is the latest picture of my handsome baby:  11 weeks old, 16 pounds.  Ears are working their way up.  He can sit, shake and lay down on command.  Leash training was started tonight. 

Hopefully won't be too much longer before my next blog! <3

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