Saturday, March 22, 2014

Wylie Jewell Collier- 34 weeks

How far along: 34 weeks

Food comparison:  Butternut Squash  (17.2 to 18.7 inches long, 4.2 to 5.8lbs)

Weight gain: 21 pounds

Sleep:  I'm usually awake around 3:30am and/or 5:30am.  My body is training me to be on a new schedule I guess! One trip to the bathroom.  Turning over is difficult especially if I do it too fast because it feels like I'm giving myself a hernia!

Best moment of the week(s): our church and Boyd showers, finishing the nursery, One hour massage! 

 Movement: oh yes.  She must be doing somersalts in there.  She was dancing up a storm during the ZBB concert. She likes to dance like her mama.  Can't wait to take her to Zumba with me!

Food cravings/aversions:  seafood, milk, strawberries, red meat

What I miss: sleeping on my stomach, no back pain, runny eggs, my full wardrobe, Zumba, being able to clean/do as much as I want like I used to, walking my normal pace (I think I'm starting to waddle as she is dropping more)

Workouts: work is my workout and cleaning/laundry/climbing stairs/organizing the nursery.

Stretch marks: none!! I am slathering on cocoa butter lotion daily hoping to prevent them. I also made a creme from my YL essential oils with lavender, frankincense and coconut oil that feels amazing. Dolly loves to sniff and lick my stomach after because she loves the smell!

Maternity clothes: yes and I refuse to buy more. Lots of leggings, yoga pants and dresses from here on out!

Belly button: flat.  a little flap of skin shows through my shirts now.

Gender: my sweet Wylie girl

Symptoms: easily tired, low back pain, itchy/dry skin, slight swelling in my left medial ankle but no more if I wear my Sockwell compression socks I was gifted! Lots of pressure down low as she is planning her escape route. 

Rings: on

Mood: happy, anxious, excited, tired, nervous, uncomfortable.

 Labor signs: some Braxton Hicks

Upcoming appts/events: Next appt April1st for our ultrasound to check her size, position, etc. I can't wait to see her again as it's been 16 weeks since my last ultrasound! I have to go on Fridays due to my work schedule and the ultrasound tech is not there those days.  I don't mind though... less bills to pay!  Maternity pictures with the dogs in the nursery today.

My doctor asked me yesterday the usual "How you feeling?" as he flips through my chart.  I replied that I was tired of being tired and uncomfortable all the time so I must be at the "over it" stage.  He kinda laughed and looked at me and said "You're not there yet.  You still have a ways to go."  Then he looked down at the chart and said "Whoa! 34 weeks.  Never mind you are there.  But you don't look 34 weeks pregnant at all! You're doing great!"  I have been lucky with an easy & healthy pregnancy thus far.  I sure hope it continues in these last few weeks especially with a healthy, safe delivery and arrival of a healthy baby girl! God is so good.

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