Monday, March 31, 2014

Silence is Golden

Silence. You've heard it. Sometimes it's nice. Sometimes it's frightening. I personally like it as I grew up an only child and got used to it. I rarely turn the TV on, even if I'm home alone. I do like to be social, but again bask in silence when I can. 

Tonight at dinner as Caleb and I ate at our usual places at our bar, the silence was deafening. We were talking yes, but it was a weird silence throughout our house. The dogs were lying under our feet as usual hoping for a dropped morsel of food but no toys were squeaking or barking commencing. I realized this was one of the last times this particular silence would be in our house. Within a month, the life we once knew will be no more. Who knows if we will even get to sit down to dinner together at the same time for a while depending on Wylie's feeding schedule. As I type this I'm tearing up and scared to death. For I know we are very blessed to have a beautiful baby girl that we prayed for on the way, but I also feel somewhat remorseful over what we will be losing...

And that makes me feel very selfish. For I know each step that God has allowed my life to progress into has always been better than the last, but it doesn't mean I can't miss things about the past. There are times I miss high school, others I miss post college life, but usually just momentarily.  I think I mostly just miss the people and how our lives once intertwined, only to now be consumed with busyness, families and work. Oh how I've tried to cherish these past 8 months with just us and our sweet puppies but it's been very busy with football, holidays and getting things ready for Wylie. It has flown by much faster than I thought it would. I pray every night that God will give me the strength to be able to stretch my limits once more adding being a mom to also a wife, daughter, friend, physical therapist, dog mom, maid, and Christian. I dream of being the Proverbs 31 woman. But some days I know I won't even begin to live up to it. I know most every first time mom must share these feelings with me and I'm not alone and all of you have done just fine. But I also have this perfectionist personality that will be hard to resist making me feel like I can't give 100% to all those that depend on me which will in turn cause disappointment in myself. Priorities will change. Life will change. I will change. Caleb will change. But if these changes were all so bad, then why would people keeping having kids right?

 I know what you're thinking- I have no idea what I'm about to be in for on any level and just how much I will love my daughter, changing my life for the better. I know the concept of this yes, but in about a month I will know it from the other side. I guess in my own way that I do not often request, I am asking for prayers. A prayer just to calm my nerves, strengthen my faith, provide enough energy to make it through working full time up until she arrives as my job is extremely physical, a safe and swift delivery, a healthy, happy baby girl, & for our (Caleb, the dogs & myself) transition into this whole new realm where silence will be no more. Where life as we have known it for the past 4 carefree blissful years will be no more. I guess I'm making this sound like a death sentence and I by no means mean to sound regretful for embarking on parenthood. I guess the cold feet is just part of it. I never got cold feet before our wedding, so now I'm paying double.

Please don't attempt to judge me as if I'm a horribly selfish person and no other first time mom has never felt these emotions before.  For most of you would be lying if you said you weren't scared. Change in general is scary, much less bringing a human being into the world 100% dependent on you. I just simply have enough guts to express it in words, in hopes to maybe one day help another first time mom feel comforted.  So at this vulnerable time, I'm confessing I'm ridiculously scared yet excited at the same time.  I am humbled that the good Lord above would give me the opportunity to be a mom, especially Wylie's mom.  I am thankful to have such a strong support system within my husband, parents, in-laws, church family, friends and my Facebook/blog readers.  I am grateful for each of you that took the time to read this, follow this journey, offer encouragement, and pray for us and Miss Wylie Jewell.  It truly means more than you know.  I have a lot to learn and can't wait to raise up our baby girl the best we can, relying on the One who brought this whole family together, for without Him, my life would not be anywhere as amazing as it has turned out.

 The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new. - Rajneesh #quoteBabiesI remind myself of this every once in a while.  One smile of confidence from a young new mom who feels she can be a good mom after all.  She just needed her nurse to tell her she will do just fine.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Wylie Jewell Collier- 34 weeks

How far along: 34 weeks

Food comparison:  Butternut Squash  (17.2 to 18.7 inches long, 4.2 to 5.8lbs)

Weight gain: 21 pounds

Sleep:  I'm usually awake around 3:30am and/or 5:30am.  My body is training me to be on a new schedule I guess! One trip to the bathroom.  Turning over is difficult especially if I do it too fast because it feels like I'm giving myself a hernia!

Best moment of the week(s): our church and Boyd showers, finishing the nursery, One hour massage! 

 Movement: oh yes.  She must be doing somersalts in there.  She was dancing up a storm during the ZBB concert. She likes to dance like her mama.  Can't wait to take her to Zumba with me!

Food cravings/aversions:  seafood, milk, strawberries, red meat

What I miss: sleeping on my stomach, no back pain, runny eggs, my full wardrobe, Zumba, being able to clean/do as much as I want like I used to, walking my normal pace (I think I'm starting to waddle as she is dropping more)

Workouts: work is my workout and cleaning/laundry/climbing stairs/organizing the nursery.

Stretch marks: none!! I am slathering on cocoa butter lotion daily hoping to prevent them. I also made a creme from my YL essential oils with lavender, frankincense and coconut oil that feels amazing. Dolly loves to sniff and lick my stomach after because she loves the smell!

Maternity clothes: yes and I refuse to buy more. Lots of leggings, yoga pants and dresses from here on out!

Belly button: flat.  a little flap of skin shows through my shirts now.

Gender: my sweet Wylie girl

Symptoms: easily tired, low back pain, itchy/dry skin, slight swelling in my left medial ankle but no more if I wear my Sockwell compression socks I was gifted! Lots of pressure down low as she is planning her escape route. 

Rings: on

Mood: happy, anxious, excited, tired, nervous, uncomfortable.

 Labor signs: some Braxton Hicks

Upcoming appts/events: Next appt April1st for our ultrasound to check her size, position, etc. I can't wait to see her again as it's been 16 weeks since my last ultrasound! I have to go on Fridays due to my work schedule and the ultrasound tech is not there those days.  I don't mind though... less bills to pay!  Maternity pictures with the dogs in the nursery today.

My doctor asked me yesterday the usual "How you feeling?" as he flips through my chart.  I replied that I was tired of being tired and uncomfortable all the time so I must be at the "over it" stage.  He kinda laughed and looked at me and said "You're not there yet.  You still have a ways to go."  Then he looked down at the chart and said "Whoa! 34 weeks.  Never mind you are there.  But you don't look 34 weeks pregnant at all! You're doing great!"  I have been lucky with an easy & healthy pregnancy thus far.  I sure hope it continues in these last few weeks especially with a healthy, safe delivery and arrival of a healthy baby girl! God is so good.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Wylie Jewell Collier- 32 weeks

How far along: 32 weeks

Food comparison:  2 cauliflower heads  (15.2 to 16.7 inches long, 2.5 to 3.8lbs)

Weight gain: 19 pounds

Sleep:  Better as long as I diffuse lavender and have my pillows! Turning over is getting tough and my abs feel so weak.  I can't wait to get back to Zumba and workouts.

Best moment of the week: Just feeling her moving around and all the outpouring of love for our baby girl

 Movement: oh yes.  Best feeling. She is very active.  My stomach has random bulges on the R side most of the day.

Food cravings/aversions:  seafood, milk, strawberries, red meat, Cheddar's onion rings

What I miss: sleeping on my stomach, no back pain, runny eggs, my full wardrobe, Zumba, being able to clean/do as much as I want like I used to, walking my normal pace (I think I'm starting to waddle as she is dropping a little)

Workouts: got a couple walks around the neighborhood with Manning during the pretty days this week; cleaning my house and organizing baby stuff feels like a work out.

Stretch marks: none!! I am slathering on cocoa butter lotion daily hoping to prevent them. I also made a creme from my YL essential oils with lavender, frankincense and coconut oil that feels amazing. Dolly loves to sniff and lick my stomach after because she loves the smell!

Maternity clothes:  Tired of this question.  Realized I needed at least one pair of maternity shorts as its warming up so Old Navy came through again!  A lot of my former dresses now make great tunics with leggings. 

Belly button: not in but not out?

Gender: my sweet Wylie girl

Symptoms: easily tired, low back pain, itchy/dry skin, some heartburn

Rings: on

Mood: happy, anxious, excited, tired

 Labor signs: no

Upcoming appts/events: Next appt March 21st. Church shower is Sunday and Boyd Buchanan shower is Tuesday.  Caleb and I are so blessed by many caring people in our lives who love Wylie so much already.  I took a breastfeeding class today by First Things First.  I would highly recommend it.  It answered a lot of my questions and I feel more comfortable and prepared. I found out my insurance would cover more than half of the cost for the top of the line Medela breast pump I want, so thanks to visit gift cards from Bethel, I will be getting it and taking advantage of this "Obamacare" aka Affordable Healthcare Act.  I will need a good, portable & efficient pump for returning to work with my back to back patient schedule. 

A special thanks to my mom and husband for helping me get things organized, returning/exchanging duplicate items, cleaning/laundry, cooking, bathing/walking dogs, etc.  I'm a very independent "get it done right now" person and I can no longer move and do at my usual pace due to fatigue and low back pain when I do too much (especially after working on my feet all day).  It has been very frustrating for me to say the least.  I hate depending on others and of course no one does it as well or as efficient as me, but I am so GRATEFUL for the help I am receiving despite my nagging and being particular.  I am trying to learn to take more breaks, sit more, rest more and not throw myself into early labor.  :)  I hate putting more on Caleb but at least it's not full blown football season!