Sunday, February 9, 2014

Wylie Jewell Collier- 28 weeks

How far along: 28 weeks (3rd Trimester)

Food comparison:  eggplant  (13.6 to 14.8 inches long, 1.5 to 2.2lbs)

Weight gain: 15 pounds

Sleep: my R hip has been killing me due to some sciatic nerve pain from a prior disc herniation that I can no longer effectively treat due to my stomach.  So I toss and turn most of the night.  2 other regular pillows have joined me and the body pillow and Caleb in bed now.  I have been diffusing Lavender essential oil to try to help me sleep better and stay in a deeper sleep. I have come to the conclusion I am going to be tired and not well rested from now until Wylie is 18. 

Best moment of the week: hearing her heartbeat again at my checkup Friday and the strong kicks and stretching she must be doing in there with her long legs! Her heart beat was 151.  I passed my glucose test with an 86 which is supposedly great.  My iron has been low, which may be why I've been craving red meat so much.  My blood pressure was 112/74.  Overall, I'm very lucky and blessed to be having such a healthy pregnancy! I hope and pray the labor and recovery will be just as easy! I think the Zija super mix is really helping me in this aspect!

 Movement: oh yes.  Best feeling. She loves to kick me in the ribs.

Food cravings/aversions:  seafood, milk, strawberries, red meat

What I miss: sleeping on my stomach, no back pain, runny eggs

Workouts: my back has been really bothering me so other than walking and lifting some weights not much of anything.  Trying to keep my back pain to a minimum after working on my feet all day. I have been organizing tons of baby clothes and moving totes up and down stairs too!

Stretch marks: none- I am slathering on cocoa butter lotion daily hoping to prevent them.

Maternity clothes: Wearing what I can to work.  Yoga pants, leggings, Old Navy maternity shirts and Caleb's t-shirts around the house or going out in public.

Belly button: not in but not out?

Gender: my sweet Wylie girl

Symptoms: HEARTBURN, low back pain, itchy/dry skin, occasional heart palpitations

Rings: on

Mood: happy

 Labor signs: no

Upcoming appts/events: Next appt: Feb 21, at 30 weeks. I scheduled out all my appts until 39 weeks, including my ultrasound at 36 weeks to check her position and size.  Taking maternity pictures soon weather depending and 4 upcoming showers! Just getting ready for my baby girl!  I have pre-registered at Erlanger downtown and even thinking about getting out a suitcase, as I always love to pack early for trips anyways!

Clothes from cousin Evelyn & Aunt Hannah.  Needless to say, Wylie doesn't need any more clothes!

Upcoming shower invites that match her room/bedding perfectly! I am so blessed by sweet friends and family!

Wooden stork my dad drew up, cut and painted himself for our Pikeville shower and our house when she arrives! The "bundle" will be attached to her beak later!

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