Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Little things

Do you ever just get caught up in life that you forget to notice all the small things to be thankful for?  I know I do.  But, there are sometimes where my heart is overwhelmed when I think of everything I have.  As I get older, I have started appreciating the "everyday" little things that are often overlooked.

1.  A roof over my head.  I love our house.  Most of the time.  It's not my dream house, but we are so blessed to have it to call and make our own, one project at a time as money allows.  Some people do not have a home.  While this house is big for just the two of us now (plus the dogs), we will grow into it one day!

2.  Health.  I see many people daily struggle with pain, disease, depression.  I am thankful to have a job where I play a role as an advocate for people and example of how to stay healthier.  I have the knowledge, means and ability to take control of my health now at an early age, to avoid all these problems I see later in life in my patients.

3.  My job.  As much as I need the paycheck, let's be honest, I dream of being a stay at home mom (one day).  It will never happen, but it's still a feeling.  But I would probably miss what I do sometimes.  I have the luxury of working close to home and coming home for lunch.  I don't have to fight much traffic, just the occasional wild turkey or tractor.  It takes me ~8 minutes with no red lights at all.  I think of all the days driving downtown to class and Parkridge and I am so blessed to not have to do that anymore.

4. My dogs. They provide so much joy, company and experience.  They teach me to be more patient.  They teach me how to care for others and put their needs first.  They leave toys scattered everywhere to prepare me for kids.  They literally turn our living room into a WWF arena every night. They show me unconditional love.  My Manning keeps me in shape as he loves to go for a 2 mile walk through our hilly neighborhood.  It's one of my favorite times of the day.

5.  My husband.  Love him.  He always comes home to me.  He helps me around the house.  He puts the dogs to bed every night.  He makes me laugh.  He compliments me often.  He eats my meatless meals.  He motivates me.  He encourages me.  He loves me for me.  He has made my dreams come true.

6.  Reminders. I read my daily devotional every morning at breakfast.  I read another one at lunch. These things talk about life and give encouraging words and verses to carry with me through my day.  It reminds me that through God I can do anything.

7.  My zumba class.  Oh what fun!  You would have to drag me to run or do any other type of cardio for an hour.  But play some good beats and let me move my feet and shake it, I can do that for 2 hours!  Plus sweat and burn lots of calories at the same time!  I love the people that go with me too which makes it even better! Our instructor is amazing and so sweet!

8.  My older, I mean wiser friends.  No one can guide you better than someone who has just lived through it.  Whether it be early marriage advice, job stress, house stress, coaches wife stress, family stress... it's so comforting to have people around me that know exactly what I'm talking about and hold nothing back to tell me like it is and give advice.  God has truly placed these special people in my path for a reason.  

9.  Green tea.  The most refreshing thing on earth.  Don't care if I brew it, Sonic or Starbucks, it's my latest guilty? pleasure.  I did hear it can make one bruise easier today.  I tend to run into things or get kicked by machines at work so bruises are just a normal thing for me. 

10.  The sunset.  God's pure infinite plan and beauty. 

11.  Quinoa.  Where has this been all my life?  I know, they probably don't sell it at the Piggly Wiggly/IGA in Pikeville.  Talk about a versatile non guilty food!  Even Caleb eats it!

12.  Football.  As much as it makes my husband be MIA, I absolutely live for those Friday night lights.  I will try to be a little calmer this year.  Friday night football, then watching on the news, then waking up to College Game Day.  Every Southern girl's dream. 

13.  Workout skirts.  So comfy.  They hide riding up shorts and are cool.  Even capri pants are too hot at Zumba.

14.  My bed.  Best investment ever.  Our new mattress should come with a "you will never want to leave" warning. 

15.  My parents. Literally would not be where or who I am today without em.  I still talk to my mama 3x/day ish.  Only children get special privileges I guess.

16.  Organization.  It just makes me happy.

17.  Singing in church.  Old hymns, new contemporary.  Soprano or Tenor.  I look forward to Sunday mornings so much.  They stick with me all through the week.

18. Online banking.  I hate balancing my checkbook.

19.  Farmer's markets.

20.  Gummy vitamins.  So yummy!
What little things are you thankful for? 

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