Tuesday, July 30, 2013

10 years, where did you go?

So it just hit me.  My 10 year high school reunion is next weekend.  I graduated high school 10 years ago.  Everyone said to me the time from 18 to you upper 20's is when you learn and grow the most so make the most of it and don't grow up too soon.  They were correct.  I am going to somehow try to re-cap how my life has changed in those 10 years and what I've learned/lost/gained.

1.  20 pounds.  Yep, I said it.
2.  A husband.
3.  2 dogs.
4.  A mortgage.
5.  Two college degrees.
6.  Several friends.
7. A full time job as a Physical Therapist.
8.  A stronger sense of self and who I am.
9.  A church family
10.  A stronger faith in God and myself.

1.  My precious Nana, Jewell Agee in September 2003.
2.  Several friends
3.  Several boyfriends (thank goodness)
4.  My way.  A few times.
5.  My iPhone in the ocean.
6.  Money.  Lots and lots of money.
7.  Flexibility.  I feel older everyday!

I've learned:
1.  Your heart never truly leaves home.  Ever.  I love Chattanooga, but Pikeville will always be my home.  I still sometimes wonder what in the world I ever did over there. 
2.  College teaches you more than you ever could imagine.  Not only about your major, but life in general.
3.  Friends come and go, but family is forever.
4.  Dating is tough but makes you realize exactly you want/need out of a spouse.  Special thanks to all those guys who taught me a lot and led me to find my wonderful husband.
5.  School loans drain you.
6.  The people that have come into and out of your life were placed there for a reason.  I share many, many great memories of my college, graduate school, post-college working single life and now married days.  I can't look back in regret as each experience has shaped me into who I am today. 
7.  Don't go to South Beach.  Just don't.
8.  These were some of the best times of my life.  And I will never get them back.
9.  God is oh so good and in control.  Doing a pretty good job, when I let Him.
10.  I'm all grown up. 

Here's to the Class of 2003.  Can't wait to see everyone next weekend!

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