Friday, November 2, 2012

Been a while

Wow.  Busy busy busy.  Let's recap quickly:

1. Bucs went 9-1 in regular season.  Won the first round of playoffs tonight.  Playing ONEIDA next week.  Unbelievable.  What high stakes on so many levels.  Going to be so strange driving up there next week after all those times I drove to go see Caleb during our LDR.  Ah memories.

2. I have started selling Origami Owl.  I am obsessed with it and it's so much fun.  It literally sells itself.  I am learning so much, meeting many people and seeing people be so generous and sentimental giving others lockets as gifts.  God is good.  I can't wait to pay off some bills and I know He will help me get through it!  9 parties booked so far for November.  Plus my full time job as a PT, wife, Manning's mom and a maid! Whew!

3.  Finally went to the allergist.  I am allergic to something every season.  Just peachy! I have an inhaler for pre workouts and I can now breathe and not cough my lungs up when dancing and walking Manning.  It's like I am a new person!

4.  Halloween was so fun in the subdivision! Never had that many "spooks" (haha) in my life! Manning hated it though!  I had to start rationing candy and may have found some Easter candy... (it never goes bad right?)

5.  I make awesome turkey pasta fagoli soup.  Just sayin' (new favorite)

6.  Our latest cardio dance routine is to "Gangham style" which I initially thought said "condom style" (hey, just listen).  Anyway, it's so much fun! I love having fun while exercising doing something I LOVE! 

7.  One of my favorite things about every week are Friday mornings.  I wake up extra early to help Caleb get all his game stuff ready, kiss him luck, tell him I love him with a "Go Bucs!" Next, I  have to curl my hair for good luck.   I then treat myself to Starbucks (white peppermint mocha frap non fat no whip today) and go to work.  I always seek out the sports section immediately to see the football picks and read up on the game.  All my patients ask me about the game and comment on my blue outfit.  It may not be like game days in high school with pep rallies but it's better than nothing.  I love game days!! #lovebeingacoacheswife

8.  My life is great.  It's really busy but SO fulfilling.  God has placed us where we need to be with who we need to be with and around.  He knows I need encouragement, support, love and examples. I love my family, church family, work family, husband, dog, house & close friends.  I can tell God is working within me and my life more and more everyday.  Hard part is letting Him lead but it's getting easier.  I have been struggling with that lately.  Trusting Him is the best decision I have ever made.  Letting things fall into place and seeing where they land.  Just as the gorgeous leaves are falling from the trees.

That's all.  I have so much more I want to say but I will wait.  I know these next 2 months are going to be crazy with Origami owl and the holidays.  SO much to look forward to.   If you are invested in my life and what's going on, I thank you for your time, love and support.  It means so much.

1 comment:

  1. So glad things are going well! Such an inspiration to let go and let GOD! Thanks for being a great friend!
