Friday, April 18, 2014

Wylie Jewell Collier- 38 weeks

How far along: 38 weeks

Food comparison:  Pumpkin  (18.9 to 20.9 inches long, 6.2-9.2lbs)

Weight gain: 25 pounds (she is packing on her own weight now) :)

Sleep:  Other than waking up to turn over and going to the bathroom to pee maybe 2x/night, I actually sleep pretty good.  God knows I need to stock up!

Best moment of the week(s): just immense anticipation from family, friends, patients, etc anxiously awaiting her public debut!  Everyday I have at least one or two patients say "I didn't expect you to be here.  Or You're still here!"

 Movement: she is moving a lot but very cramped in there. 

Food cravings/aversions:  Throwback Mountain Dew.  This may be the most insane one yet!

What I miss: sleeping on my stomach, my full wardrobe, dance class with my girls, being able to clean/do as much as I want like I used to, walking my normal pace,  my usual Energizer bunny energy levels, bending over normally, tying my shoes quickly

Workouts: work, walking, cleaning, playing with the dogs

Stretch marks: none!! I am slathering on cocoa butter lotion daily hoping to prevent them. I also made a creme from my YL essential oils with lavender, frankincense and coconut oil that feels amazing. Dolly loves to sniff and lick my stomach after because she loves the smell!

Maternity clothes: just whatever fits.  my selection is slim now that the seasons have changed.

Belly button: an official "outie"

Gender: my sweet Wylie girl

Symptoms: some heartburn but not as bad, discomfort, pressure, feeling like a balloon about to pop, pressure on bladder and belly.  Occasional braxton hicks.

Rings: on

Mood: happy, anxious, excited, nervous, uncomfortable.

 Labor signs:  thinning, dropped cervix, 1cm dilated

Upcoming appts/events: Next appt April 24th at 39 weeks!! We really don't have any "plans" the next 2 weeks as we hope to welcome our baby girl just anytime she wants to come now!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Wylie Jewell Collier- 36 weeks

Self timer for this one with lots of stacked diaper boxes.  Ready for Caleb to come home today!

How far along: 36 weeks

Food comparison:  Honeydew  (17.2 to 18.7 inches long, 4.2 to 5.8lbs)

Weight gain: 20 pounds (I lost a pound since last time, so this is a good thing!)

Sleep:  I'm usually awake around 3:30am and/or 5:30am.  My body is training me to be on a new schedule I guess! I do think diffusing lavender is helping me sleep more than I could without it! Sleeping with 2 pillows makes me really hot now that it's finally warming up!

Best moment of the week(s): seeing her via ultrasound again for the first time in 4 months!

 Movement: lots of stiff arms, Heisman trophy poses and feet in my right rib cage.

Food cravings/aversions:  seafood, milk, strawberries, red meat

What I miss: sleeping on my stomach, runny eggs, my full wardrobe, Zumba, being able to clean/do as much as I want like I used to, walking my normal pace (I think I'm starting to waddle as she is dropping more), my usual Energizer bunny energy levels

Workouts: work is my workout and cleaning/laundry/climbing stairs/organizing the nursery.

Stretch marks: none!! I am slathering on cocoa butter lotion daily hoping to prevent them. I also made a creme from my YL essential oils with lavender, frankincense and coconut oil that feels amazing. Dolly loves to sniff and lick my stomach after because she loves the smell!

Maternity clothes: yes and I hate them! ready to have my full wardrobe back.

Belly button: flat.  a little flap of skin shows through my shirts now.

Gender: my sweet Wylie girl confirmed again via ultrasound just to be sure.  Heart rate 144bpm

Symptoms: some heartburn but not as bad, easily fatigued, discomfort, pressure, feeling like a balloon about to pop, pressure on bladder and belly.  Haven't had any more swelling since that one day so I feel very blessed.  I usually have to take a hot jetted bath after my long days at work just to be able to stand up long enough to take a shower.

Rings: on

Mood: happy, anxious, excited, TIRED, nervous, uncomfortable.

 Labor signs: some Braxton Hicks; no dilation.  She is measuring around 7lbs which is 12 days ahead of her due date. I am hoping she will come a couple weeks early for my sake! I know that number is usually not accurate, but who knows.  Her dad and I are not exactly petite people!  Bags packed except for last minute things like chargers, my diffuser, essential oils and make up! My hospital room is going to smell amazing and keep us all calm :)

Upcoming appts/events: Next appt April 11th (37 weeks, weekly appts now); attending baby Case and baby Greene baby showers, dad's birthday, Easter.

My favorite comments from random strangers:

1. Lady working at Red Bank post office: "Girl, you ain't got much longer, huh?"
   Me: "Do I look that miserable and huge?"
   Lady: "No girl, you got that tired look in your eye.  You getting on that baby's schedule by not sleeping all night aren't you?"

2.  Hostess at Tupelo Honey: "How many?"
     Me: "Two."
      Hostess: "Soon to be 3, right?"
      Me (thinking): "yes, I'm just gonna pop her out in the booth here in a few minutes" :)

3.  Random younger mom in Publix: "I just want to tell you that you look beautiful."
     Me: "Awe, well thank you very much."
     Publix mom: "I mean, I know you are big and miserable, but you're beautiful."  (She didn't have to keep talking) :)

4. New patient's husband: " Are you expecting? I am always scared to ask this question because I was wrong once."
Me: "Yes, 4 more weeks to go."
Patient's husband: "Wow! You are tiny!" (These are the comments I like)

Same shirt as above, only at 18 weeks along.  I'm ready to shrink, soon!!