Saturday, January 25, 2014

Wylie Jewell Collier- 26 weeks

How far along: 26 weeks

Food comparison:  head of Lettuce  (13.6 to 14.8 inches long, 1.5 to 2.2lbs)

Weight gain: 15 pounds

Sleep:  ha, depends on the night and if Manning is sleeping with us trying to steal my body pillow or not.  It's hard to get comfortable and once I find a good position, I have to pee.

Best moment of the week: just feeling her kicking like crazy

 Movement: Lots of kicking and I can see my stomach jump now when she kicks.

Food cravings/aversions:  Baked potatoes, strawberries, blueberry anything, milkshakes

What I miss: sleeping on my stomach, no back pain

Workouts:  walking Manning, on my feet at work all day and very busy, stretching 6+ stiff shoulders and ankles a day, very easy zumba at home and in class (can't jump too well anymore) 

Stretch marks: none- I am slathering on cocoa butter lotion daily hoping to prevent them.

Maternity clothes: yep.  It's been fairly noticable I'm pregnant now obviously as all my new patients and random strangers ask me when I'm due.

Belly button: not in but not out?

Gender: my sweet Wylie girl

Symptoms: HEARTBURN, low back pain, itchy/dry skin,

Rings: on

Mood: happy

 Labor signs: no

Upcoming appts/events:  football banquet, Zac Brown Band concert, HAIRCUT!, Next appt Feb 7th at 28 weeks.  Then they will be every 2 weeks! Holy cow! Maternity pics, 3 showers

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