Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sitting on G

It's always hard for me to think of a title for my blogs.  I do not have one right now as I am beginning, but once my fingers start flying as my thoughts pour out and I actually figure where all these ideas will stream into, I will have one.

My thoughtful, encouraging, inspiring friend, Heidi, sent me this link this morning that made me laugh and then really think.  This woman compared the personalities of her two dogs, one being a Siberian husky and the other a German shepherd.  They are pretty much the same as my Manning and Dolly.  Manning is always alert, anxious, awake, sitting on G waiting on O to play ball, walk, go for a car ride, go outside, go upstairs, whatever.  Where as Dolly is perfectly content sitting under a tree,chewing on some wood, lounging on her chaise, resting her head on the window sill, or wallering in the floor on her back (what she is doing as I type now).  They do play together a lot, but their personalities are night and day.  They actually somewhat reflect mine and Caleb's personalities.  I am always looking for something else to do, chores, laundry,cleaning, a new recipe online, organizing something, etc.  Caleb is very laid back and will get things done in his own time.  I am the over eager busy body German shepherd and Caleb is the relaxed, go with the flow bloodhound.  Caleb is very sweet just like Dolly too where as I have more of a temper like Manning. 

If you read further into this woman's post, she then forms the analogy of God's servants.  Are we ready to go and be used for Him at anytime or are we content/relaxed in our own little worlds?  Are we actively waiting for Him to tell us how we can be used for his service here on Earth, or are we too busy with our own lives that we are too worn out for what He could use us for?

I feel that I have been a mixture of both at times.  Sometimes I feel that I am so busy with worldly things and thoughts that I am too worn out to serve Him, who should be put first.   Others, I am finding I am just seeking Him on all occasions and even sometimes not paying attention to the world.  I am happy to say that lately I have been more of the latter.  Our new small group is making me more "busy" but in a good way.  In a great way.  Growing spiritually is never a bad thing.  I am learning to sacrifice things that I desire in order to make more time to attend small group, study, or pray.  I am turning down invitations for not so important social engagements because I really do not want to run around like a chicken with my head cut off.  I like having the time to just take a walk with Manning, manage my home & be caught up by the time Caleb gets home so I can hang out with him.  Putting God first really does somehow put everything in its proper place/order of priority.  It's not always easy though. 

The following 2 verses really sum it up:

Isaiah 6:8, "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'" (NIV)

Luke 12:35-36, "Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, like servants waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him." (NIV)

If you have never heard of the website, you should check it out!  They will send you a daily devotion via email and there are also categories to look through as well from past posts.  Big thanks to Heidi for telling me about them. 

P.S.  Manning is 2 weeks into his hard core "boot camp" training with me.  We have only missed 2 days of walking due to weather.  He seems more interested in me now during walks and less about where he wants to go or his surroundings.  He hardly pulls at all now.  Granted, he has on FOUR collars.  Yes four.  Tick collar, regular ID collar, pinch collar (for corrections) and hunting shock collar (for MAJOR corrections or if he gets off his leash).  He looks like he is Mr. T.  He actually walked past 2 kids and a poodle yesterday and barely looked at them!  When I tell him NO when another dog begins to bark at us, he actually puts his heckles down on his back and keeps going.  Is he perfect? Of course not.  But we are onto something.  And if I just keep it up, 2 miles every single walk almost daily, one day he may just listen to me in stressful situations (vet, strangers, etc).  I have learned to have patience with him during our walks and patience in the fact that he won't be perfectly the way I want him trained overnight.  I do think it has strengthened our relationship more as he listens better, sits before going in/out doors, getting food/treats etc, and respects me more.

Caleb is almost home, so I am going to wrap this up.  Thanks for reading my ramblings.  If you don't like it, then stop reading it! ;)

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