Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sundays and such

Sundays are bittersweet.  As much as I love sleeping in a little later (I get up early for Zumba on Saturdays), going to church, lunch with my husband and sometimes friends, catching up, cleaning, organizing, being outside, walking Manning, and going to small group, I know tomorrow is eek, Monday.  Over the past few years, the term "Sunday Funday" has been popular.  While we may do fun things, it's not a day for partying.  It's for worshiping, fellowship, family, getting ready for the week and most of all resting/relaxing!  We have just started going to our new small group at church which we love.  It's nice to have those to hold you accountable and study the sermon from the morning.  There will many service opportunities with this group which excites me.

May is going to be a busy month.  I so hoped this would have been a pretty weekend since it's the only one not jammed pack with events.  But alas, I spent time indoors organizing closets and throwing things away.  That's one of my favorite pastimes.  Next weekend is our niece's first birthday party.   I can't wait to see how excited she is with her presents and smash cake.  Then there is Mother's Day.  I also can't wait to see how excited my mom is over her present.  (Mom, don't even ask.  I will not tell you.)  The following weekend is Boyd's graduation, friend's wedding, decoration and Caleb's Nanny's 90th birthday party.  The next weekend is the spring football game and Memorial Day which holds no telling what. When it rains, it pours, but it's nice to have all these people in our lives that bless us.  I hope we can be a blessing to them.  We are hoping to get the pool open next Friday.  Fingers crossed.  This girl needs some sunshine and a tan!

June won't fail as a busy month either with the all-star game, summer practices, our 2nd wedding anniversary and a trip to the beach with Caleb's family.  Literally at a blink of an eye, summer will be over and it will be football season again. 

Jenny and I have been busy planning our 10 year high school reunion which is in August.  I am still in disbelief, but am so excited to have everyone together again. 

I have a new found love, Zumba at Complete Training.  It is close to home, affordable and fits in my work schedule.  I attend class 3x/week and dance at home 1x/week.  It's so much fun and my gansta friends Olivia and Kristi make it even more fun.  I sweat and have fun at the same time.  It never feels like an hour has went by.  And my quads, inner thighs, butt and abs are always so sore the next day.  Jodi is an amazing teacher.

I have also branched out and found a new hair stylist closer to Soddy as driving 2 hours round trip to Pikeville has been hard to fit into my schedule as well.  She did a great job on my hair and I will definitely go back. 

Manning's training has been going so much better.  He now understands sit, down, shake, look and heel.  He doesn't always get it the first time, but if I make my voice more stern and yank on the leash, he wises up.  I am going to try to take him back to his trainer this month so she can see how much better he is doing and give me instructions for the next phase.  He still dislikes most strangers, dogs and cars, but he now knows mama is in control.  Right now he is asleep beside me with his chin resting on his favorite ball and his back legs on the floor.  This dog is the sunshine of my life.  And Dolly too. 

Apparently I didn't have much else to write about nor a specific topic like I usually do! So enjoy this hodgepodge of our busy life!